I chose art as my path because I genuinely loved expressing myself in this format and the learning process. However, once I got to art school I was surrounded by sooooo many others who were far better than I was and others who I thought weren't better than me, but were getting those "undeserved" (chuckle) grades and adulations. I started bouncing around going from seeking validation (through recognition) to constant comparison with others and how I measure up. Now in my mid 30s I am realizing that inferiority and superiority are symptoms of the same problem. I simply want to be in love with what I am doing and proud that I did the very best I could, having integrity.
Every part of doing the work is the reward. A ribbon is very nice and it says to me, "Hey, someone noticed." The painting on the wall is just a fraction of what I, and many others, do on a daily basis. I will paint many, many paintings that will never be noticed that much. That's okay.
I was just talking with artist friends in Colorado and realized how much my life has changed since I became an artist. Every single day I get an email or comment from someone saying I lifted their day, inspired them or motivated them to create. WOW. When I think of my life pre-art, I am so thankful that for the last 8 years I have chosen to create every day. It has changed me in so many ways.
Here are some books that have helped me along the way:
"Chinese Lanterns and Pueblo Pottery" - 12"x24" - oil on linen
Evergreen Fine Art Gallery